Mining Proposal Reform in WA

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Last week MBS attended a briefing by DMP on its Reforming Environmental Regulation (RER) initiative, the stated intent of which is to regulate, proportionate to the environmental risks entailed, for appropriate environmental outcomes on mining projects, rather than “micro-manage” compliance with inflexible, and sometimes redundant or conflicting, environmental management commitments.

Central to the briefing were proposed changes to Mining Proposals that would require miners to complete a formal environmental risk assessment, and set out proposed environmental targets (or “outcomes”) for approval by DMP. The risk assessment, outcomes, proposed areas of disturbance and other supporting information and documents would be lodged with DMP via a new web-based system.

Another aim of the reforms is to reduce duplication in assessment processes. This may include exemption from Clearing Permit requirements for developments approved under a Mining Proposal, and other matters where agreements can be reached with other agencies –  for instance, DMP may choose not to assess aspects of a project that are being assessed by DER for Works Approval.

MBS believes the RER program and the proposed Mining Proposal reforms could greatly benefit miners in WA, but it will depend very much on how well they are implemented. DMP has released a discussion paper for public consultation, and MBS will be making a submission to the Mining Proposal Reform Working Group.  MBS encourages miners to become familiar with the proposed reforms, and if concerned, make their own submission to DMP before the deadline of 31 October.

If you would like to know more about the proposed reforms and how they might affect your mining projects, or would like help with making a submission, please contact David O’Brien on 08 9226 3166 or